Hello fabulous sponsors and friends of Feeding the Homeless Project. Below is a brief update from our Chairman, Jim Rahm as well as a link to a short video.
Dear FTHP Family and Friends,
The ongoing COVID19 pandemic continues to affect our efforts to bring attention and serve the homeless community in Atlanta. Since my last update almost three months ago, we are now distributing approximately 215 bag breakfasts every Saturday.
We had hoped to be able to return to our standard feeding location on Edgewood and to allow our generous sponsors to once again join us on the street but that clearly is not going to happen in the near future. Instead, we are putting together a “bag breakfast” consisting of a biscuit/muffin with egg, sausage and cheese, water, fresh fruit, chips and an energy bar along with hand sanitizer and masks when available.
Regrettably, we’ve decided not to involve our kind-hearted sponsors in this activity simply out of an abundance of caution. As everyone struggles to get back to work in one fashion or another, we do not want to create any unnecessary health risks. Instead, our board and a few experienced service leaders have championed the cause to build and distribute these breakfast bags each Saturday to our homeless community wherever we might find them to ensure a reduced risk of gathering a crowd.
We remain hopeful of being able to re-engage our sponsors and volunteers in our “normal” feeding practice on Edgewood as soon as it is safe to do so. We continue to monitor our partners such as Partners for Home/Atlanta Continuum of Care (Atl CoC) as well as the City of Atlanta and the CDC for health advisory updates. Until that time, we hope everyone remains safe and well.
Below is link to s short video of how we are continuing to take care of our friends on the street. Please be sure to follow our activities via our website www.fthpinc.org, Facebook, Instagram and even LinkedIn for pictures and updates. Thank you for your ongoing support of FTHP and those in need. Jim Rahm Chairman, Feeding the Homeless Project, Inc